What possesses seemingly normal people to walk their dog in front of your home - stop - and let it POOH at the base of your driveway... and then walk away? I'll NEVER understand it. This is a special treat we get from our neighbors often, and since we've lived here over two years now.. it seems sort of awkward bringing it up.. but HELLO? How is this ok? EVER? I just have to scratch my head over this one. We live on a beautiful street.. lined with doggie doo on both sides. You can't walk down our street without watching carefully where you are walking. I've actually seen the owners reward their dogs with treats after they do their business. All I ask is that you at least drag your beloved puppy across the street into the empty lot.. there's an entire empty lot!! is this so hard? Oh the frustration.
Chocolate Pudding Dessert
5 weeks ago
Well, that just stinks! Literally!! People and their dogs and their dogs poop and poopy people with pooping dogs and all of that unclaimed poop just drives me nuts! Our issue is with these lovely treats in our front yard. Sheesh!!!
Again, with the pictures, Heather. How funny are you?!
That is a huge pet peeve of mine! My other one is smokers leaving their cigarette butts all over the freaking place. They wouldn't litter in any other way, yet they don't think twice about dropping their cigarettes on ground and walking away. Or what REALLY bugs me is when there is a planter next to a building entry and they throuw their butts in the planter, even though their is an ash tray right next to the door. So not only can the ash tray not just be emptied, or the ground just be swept, but someone has to pick through the planter by hand to retireve their germinfested garbage. IT DRIVES ME NUTS! On a side note, have you guys ever considered creating an adoption blog? I know you have a link to your adoption profile, but I was just looking at my friend's blog and they just adopted their second cute baby and they have a link to a second blog of their they created before receiving their second child all about them. their adoption experience, and stuff like that. I thought it was interesting and a good idea. If you wanted to take a look at it I could send you the address. Anyway, I just thought I'd pass that along. Still praying for you. Call sometime if you want.
Ick! Dog poop is one reason why we don't own a dog, let alone want to deal with other people's dog poop! Bleck.
We had problems with poop on our playground on the slides! WHo in there right mind lets a dog poop on a child's slide???
You crack me up. First of all I was laughing as I read the story and as I scroll down as low and behold there was even an illustration to go with your story!! Your hilarious!!
Danielle usually loves poo stories, but I have to agree. Don't you want to pick it up and take it to them and ring the door bell and say you left something in my yard? I think it is really stinks!
Hello. So you don't think I am a crazy feen, I wanted to let you know that I read your comment on Kimmi's blog and decided to come look and see what your blog was all about....My husband and I were just blessed a baby through adoption about three months ago after trying for almost five years. We are so grateful for our blessing and I know that it will happen for others too. I hope to keep up on yoru blog, and become friends over time. THanks for writing.
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