Monday, November 3, 2008

I Have Arachnophobia

Do you BLAME me?? 

This unwelcome creature was in our courtyard just outside our front door on Saturday morning.  He is the third one we've seen since we moved here. Mommy NO likey.


Kale said...

OH MY HECK! I don't blame you one bit that thing is huge! I'm so sorry.

Danielle said...

Jeff and I are sitting here with rapid-fire hebbie-jebbies. Yick! Yick! Yick!

Karen Brothersen said...

Holy Freakin COW! That is giving me goose bumps just looking at it! I am going to have nightmares tonight.. Thanks a lot!

Kimberly said...

That is one scary mama-jama! Yuckies!

Scully said...

I will not be able to sleep tonight because I looked at this right before going to bed. ACK! Can you call an exterminator? EW! EW! EW! EWWWWWWWWWW!

Scott & Tami said...

Oh nasty!!!

Kristi said...

I'm with ya sista. I'm glad you got a picture! The only saving grace about a spider that big is that it would be harder for it to creep into your house through a crack!

Unknown said...

I hate spiders. A while ago, I found a play spider in the girls closet. I freaked out. I am not sure what I would do if that was on my front porch area. How did you get rid of it?

neffgang said...

Heather -

Have you ever considered that the only reason the spiders are showing up around your house is to collect the lose change you and your husband leaving lying around the joint?

Hello! It's a bad economy and spiders need to eat too. Food doesn't grow on trees, you know. Wait. Maybe it does.

At any rate, trying picking up the money you guys leave lying around and you'll most likely see the creepy crawlies disappear.

Birgitta said...


Relaxed Cat said...

what is the heck!?!?!!!!!!!! simon said he got them a couple years ago in our driveway, and i am not looking forward to it!