Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Happy Halloweeeeeen!

Posted by Heather at 9:14 PM 12 comments
Friday, August 12, 2011
Family Torture.. er Pictures!!
Posted by Heather at 10:05 PM 15 comments
Labels: Anna, Family Pics, Jack
Friday, May 6, 2011
It's Moments Like These....
That make it all worth it.
Posted by Heather at 9:33 PM 15 comments
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
A little of this and that
Posted by Heather at 9:33 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Walk This Way... Scoot This Way
Posted by Heather at 8:58 PM 10 comments
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Our Little Cover Girl

Posted by Heather at 9:20 PM 12 comments
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My Babies Aren't Babies Anymore!
Well since I'm tired of starting every post with a comment about how I can't believe how long it's been.. I won't this time.. hehehe.
I was talking to my sister today and she reminded me that I really needed to post pictures of the kids, she couldn't even picture what they looked like! How sad.
Jack & Anna are AWESOME! We spend all day playing together. We have a lot of fun. They are both growing and learning so quickly. They are so smart and beautiful.
Jack is 13 1/2 months. He is crawling at lightning fast speeds and getting into EVERYTHING! He walks with support from his shopping cart toy, or walks along the couch or anything as long as he has something to hold on to. He is so happy and loving. He knows the word "kiss" and loves getting and giving them. He loves his family so much. His favorite things to do are steal Anna's binkeys, toys and bottles and get chased, get into drawers and cupboards, drink milk, give hugs and kisses, read books, give high fives and torture the cat. He loves to do anything that will get him in trouble and have me after him.. getting the remotes controls are the TOP prize. He is so proud when he gets them in his little hands. He loves to play with Anna, but often just ends up beating on her.. She is getting much better at taking it and is getting good at fighting back :) He is our boy and we love LOVE him!
Anna is 9 months old and getting SO chubby. Her head is in the 90% :) Very big brains. She is SO fun and funny. She cried for the first 5 months and she is making up for it now by being a pretty much perfect angel. She has the cutest laugh and smile but she makes you work for it. She is very independent and likes her space. She sits on the floor and entertains herself SO well, it's amazing. She is smart and loves to read books and turn the pages. She is a very good eater and loves to try new foods. She loves her big brother. She gets so excited when he crawls over to her. If she's tired though she'll sound the alarm when he gets too close because she knows he's coming to steal her toys. She hates to be fidgeted with (rolling up her sleeves, wiping her face, etc). She can turn that cry on and off I tell ya. She's our little girl and both she and her brother pretty much rule the roost. But we don't mind.
Jack has really struggled with his asthma this winter. We have been so homebound. He's had cold after cold after cold. They are really hard on him and he has to have steroids and lots of medicine to treat him because he gets very wheezy. He seems to be tolerating all the meds better with each cold and we hope things will let up soon. I have a hard time being in the house so much and not being able to go anywhere. I'm trying to keep my spirits up but it's hard sometimes. I'm doing alright though and we have really good days more than bad. I have lots of help still from family and it saves me!
Well I didn't want to make this long so I'll quit! But it does feel good to check in with the world, although I'm sure the world has stopped checking in on me by now :) Don't give up on me.. I'm trying! I think I won't even know how to act if I ever go in public again! So sad.
Here are some of my favorite pics of late:
Posted by Heather at 10:08 PM 12 comments